Things I learnt when my brother-in-law moved to Denmark

Two weeks ago we said farewell to my brother in law who has finally made the move to be with his long-term girlfriend in Denmark.  They have been long distance for almost the entirety of their relationship so it’s great to finally see them living together.  Now that he has somewhat settled into his new home, I had a chance to reflect on what his life changing move has had on us.

Continue reading “Things I learnt when my brother-in-law moved to Denmark”

How we’re saving our house deposit


So last week, I dipped my toe into the blogging world and wrote my first post explaining how I wanted to document our journey into home ownership.  For this post I’m going to go into how we’re saving and the reasoning behind it.

Continue reading “How we’re saving our house deposit”

Yet another personal finance journey

Updated: 28th April 2018

In the words of WordPress, thanks for joining me!

I am a big personal finance blog fan.  Reading the articles selected for me by Rockstar Finance is a daily ritual.  My husband has often said I should start my own blog but I’ve never had the urge to.  To be honest, I never really thought my personal finance journey was one of note.  I still don’t, but some of my favourite blogs are those of people who are documenting their progress to achieve a goal, be that freedom from debt, financial independence, moving to their own homestead, you get the idea.

Which is why I’ve started writing.  We want to buy a house.  In 2018.  We have been slowly saving since before we got married in 2015 but now the lease on our rental property is up in October, we have the impetus to turn the dream into a reality. Although sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, I feel that documenting our progress will help us stick to our goals.

We currently live in London, which has insane property prices.  There are flats for sale on our street that are simply out of our price range, even if we cut out the avocado toast and fancy coffees. So part of our journey will be deciding where we want to move to.

Mortgages, and more specifically how to get one is also something else we need to learn about.

We have a baby boy too.  I took seven months maternity leave and using Shared Parental Leave, my husband then took four months off from work to care for him.  I’m not really sure what we would have done had we not been able to take SPL.  He now goes to a local childminder, who although excellent, is quite expensive. A bit like London property prices.

So that’s where we’re are at the moment.  I will continue to delve into further detail in future posts but I already feel accomplished having written this.  If you have any questions about our journey, please let me know, we do love the feedback.

Talk to you next time!


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
